From Under His Olfactory Organ ...

Bestiality, Cruelty, Erotica, Exhibitionism, Fantasm, Horror, Male-Domination, Massage, Monster, Pregnant, Prostitution, Snuff, Violence, Voyeurism
It was the end of summer, when the temperatures should birth started their annual declivity. This class, it was dissimilar since the Pacific Ocean Northwest was in one of the longest heating undulation in it 's history. Still, the gilt parting danced in the malarkey as they fell from their outgrowth, leaving only the evergreen with foretoken of life.

Ashling was more then a little miserable with the heat and stew. She does relish swimming at dark or go for her walks but lately, the sun was smothering her. Many enjoyed the heat and sun but she was a Seattle girl, loving the rain and a cool breeze. Tonight was a particularly tender Nox and she was compelled to leave her sleeping accommodation window open, letting the flimsy screen keep the bug at bay. Her just solace resided in her lack of vesture and the fan pushing a gentle, soothing zephyr across her curved form.

She thankfully had the day off and planned to bask being with her groom-to-be. The day involved many round of golf of passionate love-making and more cuddling then she could shake a stick at. The compounding of tiredness and heat ensured her a restful nighttime. She felt relatively prophylactic with him downstairs making himself a collation and watching some telly before returning to her for the night. She was unaware that she was not alone, for two sets of eyes crept up her near-nude form, basking in her beauty, even seeing a small-scale bulge in her stomach.

She was three months into her maternity, praying that the little one would make it. Her tit had been slowly growing to firm high-pitched C cups.. maybe low D 's. Her braided opprobrious hair snaked down her chest between her firm mounds. She was always considered beautiful and elegant with one small hang-up. She always covered her upper trunk or made herself sit in was that concealed the scars across her back and the brand of her former life on the back of her neck. She rarely allowed anyone, even her erotic love to see her shame of her onetime life sentence. Tonight, she only wore the fishing net from when she surprised her man.

The bratva had a cost on her head, wanting her to pay for betraying what they felt was their cordial reception by killing the deputy that she was given to against her will and forced to marry. She had been on the run since she was xvi, now twenty-two. Those two year of hell left physical and deeper psychological scars, but her lover saw past them, helping her tone safe.

The shadows concealed her sneak perfectly while they enjoyed her beaut, both hungry for her in dissimilar ways. Both lethal predator, one being a man while the other was his faithful, genetically-altered anaconda. The young man took his knife and popped the screen gratuitous, climbing into the way with his dearest fellow, Bellan.

He pulled his six digital camcorders and got ready, placing three in assorted berth in the room for optimal angles, while keeping one in his possession. This was not his first hit for the Russian maffia and if they kept paying well, not the concluding. He had to allow in, he considered doing her himself before letting Bellan stimulate his fun. He decided against it to avoid potentiality DNA contamination.

The two drew in her scent.. sex and adult female musk. While he forbid his desire to claim her completely, he had no problem caressing her left second joint. She lay on her back, out like a light, having no need to assume her sleep medication earlier. The rebuff tactual sensation makes her mussitate softly before she rolls over half-way onto her the right way side of meat with her stifle curled in.

He smirked and pulled his hand away before he hissed softly, his permission for the serpent to take her. The snake in the grass silently slithered up the side of the bed and took a lick of her continue feet. He found her taste intoxicating and proceeded to spiral up her legs, careful not to disturb her. Ash purrs and wiggles her toes in her stocking-clad substructure, despite the serpent 's upright efforts.

The roll slowly loop around her feet, ankle, articulatio genus and thigh. The hit-man continued to stare, excited by her beautiful torso while his snake continued to perform the antediluvian terpsichore of marauder and prey. He moved higher up her flyspeck manakin, deliberate not to make a auditory sensation. Bellan scoops her arms and snare both to her slope. He made more informal closed circuit around her abdomen while staying exonerated of the inconvenient bump. It was n't long before he had her and kept going until he was above and below her breasts and around her slender neck.

The rubbing of his scales against her, the sound especially, aroused gunslinger. He leaned in, lips not more then scant inches from hers as his fingers found her warm leg again. This caused the thick coils to slowly tighten just enough so she can easily take a breather but terminating any other motion, communicating Bellan 's ownership over her. The thoughts of her delicious curves rush through the snake 's naive mind until he rested his header beside the hers.

She begins to wake up with a delicate murmur vowel. `` Mmmm.. baby.. '' she whines happily as she squirms a bit from the strange insistency, causing the Hydra to tighten his own physical structure, making her eyes fly open. His head comes around before hers, heart locked upon hers. Those black orbs made her shiver down to her soul.

The coil clamp her articulatio humeri and neck as he brings his head above hers and starts salivating, wetting her soft haircloth. She groans and try to wiggle, looking to her beloved man, her future married man, the sire of their unborn tiddler. She clenches her clenched fist, making very niggling motion now with the mighty coils holding her down. The fanny braces her cervix, then she sees the alien in the shadows. `` help.. '' she wheezed, not seeing the man 's characteristic until he stepped stuffy, laying his hired man on her tegument again. She felt that shiver grow to dread as she looked upon his comrade Russian features. She remembered him doing his concern with her former hubby. She was horrified that she had been found and knew that her end would add up soon. He had such a smug smile on his brass as he touched her cheek with his finger tips while holding a camcorder with the former hand.

All three of them knew that she was zip more then snake food now. To the middle-aged man, she was the perfect woman and to Bellan, she was the perfect meal. She belonged to him and his headmaster now, stolen from under her lover 's nose. The athirst serpent wiggles his jaws, priming them for the chore to come, popping his jaws into a grotesquely distorted reading of what they once were. She loved snakes and could hardly stand being the mouse wrapped in coils.

She turns her regard and looks into the snake 's cavernous pharynx, feeling it practically draw her in, in search for her vulnerable little body. The persuasion of her fitting in that tight gob made her shiver with horror.. and unknown arousal. The man saw her desire in her middle as she looked to her killer. He slid his script over the curl until one of her firm mounds sits in his palm and gives it a steady squeeze.

'' Please ... do n't ... '' she would wheeze, feeling just enough air to keep her alive but almost nothing more. The scroll tighten more around her shoulders as his jaws bite down around her head, making her wince when his teeth grabbed her and began the arduous chore of pulling her inside.

There was the sucking noise, the speech sound of wet figure vying for her lenient, warm flesh. Her eyes clamp shut with a visible grimace, just in clock time for the eternal rest of her head to be taken into his maw. The throat massages her scalp.. and pulls the top of her head into the meanness of his throat.

He takes her head completely, he moves further to guttle her shoulder joint and slowly approaches her milk-filled titty, wiggling tantalizingly before him.

She clenches her clenched fist and tries to jiggle, thinking of her fiance and their baby. rip ran down her cheeks, only to be washed away by the Snake River 's saliva. She is barely able to impress her head word inside the snake 's throat, wishing to make ANY noise. Instead she started to spring up swooning as the snake 's lips touched the crown of her breasts.

He slowly worked his way around her soft globes, soaking them heavily in spittle as he continued to draw and quarter her into himself. His tongue flicks out and teases her nipples and until he decided to blow her promote down his throat.

The coils begin to unstrain and roll away to reveal her offend skin. It was only a moment of freedom before her weak trunk was sucked deeper into the depths of his throat. Once his jaws reached past her costa. This cut off any further ability to breath, compounded when the throat muscles clamped over her baby-filled belly.

She takes her last stale inscrutable breathing place until his jaws clamped shut over her stomach, forcing the air back out. This air was all that she needed to snap out of her fog leaving her remorselessly awake for the horror to come.

'' Hub ... by ... '' she gasps quietly. She could n't abnegate how nice it felt on her sensitive flesh, especially against her bruised flesh. Her mouth flew open and practically wanted to shout out her delight as her slightly-rounded potbelly pops into his throat.

Ever so slowly his jaws have sealed around her broad hips with the thick spit oozing across her ass as it soaks her ever-moistening groin. She groans as her hip are painfully pulled into his close throat.

Once again, her question is swimming with the lack of breathable air. The Hydra keeps one coil wrapped around her toned calfskin, keeping them from thrashing about. The man leans in and Begin to lick her perfect thigh, working his way towards her minor base. `` I do love stockings.. '' he purred softly as he kissed each digit.

'' No.. please.. don't- '' she whispers before falling unconscious, thrashing in the tight confines of his esophagus.

After about a moment the jaws are completely around the comprehensiveness of her heavenly hip joint and began the promiscuous walk down her long legs. Once again the snake decided to play with her, teasing her nethers with his yearn tongue.

Her thinker shudders as she feels her stimulation grow.. forcing her awake from her state. She wiggles her pelvic arch, trying to get away from the malevolent titillation in her lips and one dollar bill again instinctively as the tongue danced over her swell up clit. He forced the recollective tongue into her deeply, giving her a small ride before her end. Her lack of O helped her fly to strange, new heights.

She jerks her legs a bit, trying to kick free or at least shift his violation incurring inside her. He savored the tactile property of her blurry mound clenching around his curious appendage.
Those struggle only made them both want her further, in their most canonical, predatory ways. He sinks his small teeth into her thigh and the coil liquidity crisis around her lower legs, close to popping her bones.

She curls her toes, tries to wiggle her ft, and endeavor to hollo, even with the lack of atomic number 8 and the mouth-full of snake juice. She clenches her fist and her interior massage the invading tongue, as tightly as he held her.. controlling her lithe body with his powerful one. She thrusts her hips in the air, interior clamping over and over.. until she finally cums around him, the gratifying fluids coating his tongue.

She feels herself sinking deeper, allowing a little more air down to her starved lungs, allowing the fog to crystallize. She feels the minor teeth grip her sensitive soma of her thigh and pulls her in. It is n't long until the throat muscles begin to do all the work, drawing her in quicker. Her human knee bump into his snout, making her wriggle a bit, her thighs half-way down his throat.

The ophidian released her legs just to swallow her knee joint, leaving only her base. She tried to kick her feet just enough but it 's too late to do anything. The muscles slowly pull her in and he shut his jaws behind her delicate toes to seal her away inside her scaley tomb.

The wiggling extrusion fights even harder now that the serpent neared the end of his long meal. She had to rid herself, if for no one else, but her unborn daughter ! She grits her teeth and uses her nails to try and claw as she bit at his slimy insides. It was hopeless and she was dying from the deficiency of air yet again.. and the Snake teased the feet while they sat his tightly closed oral cavity. His teeth poking her midget digits and tongue licking the warmth of her soles.

This was hell.. and her man would never have intercourse what happened.. It was all too much so she began to cry. He raises his chief and allows gravitational attraction to aid in finishing her journeying down his throat. It was a hideous site as he reopened his sass, giving a good prospect of her belittled feet being pulled in with each swallow. With a final draft, her toes slipped from persuasion, beginning the heavy stumble to his roomier stomach.

It seemed, even after claiming her, he was n't through tormenting her. She could n't help oneself but wrinkle her lips again as the riffle of the ribs passed over her sensitive hide, especially her nipples and tickled the tip of her pitcher. The misstep did n't take long as she finally settles inside the venter, dousing her in a new, tingling sludge as she breached the chamber. She wondered if she was going to find the burn, when it came for her.

-- -

In all of the tumult, you begin to wake up, center were barely open as you notice the strange shuffling coming from upstairs. It sounded like something was dragging and thumping across the floor. You felt ice in your veins at the thought of your groom-to-be falling and getting hurt so you bolt out of your chair. You are practically running up the step, having barely missed the man who had packed up all but one camcorder, leaving the place on the bed devoid of your two loves.

'' Ash ? '' you shout with growing concern spiking to new levels. Oblivious to the snake in the grass hiding on the other side of the bed, in the blue way you run into the lobby towards the lav, seeing if she made it there.. if only you knew.

You begin to hear that strange something in the bedroom again and you smile while sighing in relief. You have every intent on getting her back for making your worry. `` I am going to get her and buss my mischievous lover for her harlequinade. '' you State with your smile shifting to a wolfish grin.

You, the unsuspecting boyfriend reenter the bedroom to surprise her, only to distinctly find her absence still. A flutter of movement collar your eye coming from the window.. `` A snake ! '' you shout as you bolt to it as it tried making it 's escape out the windowpane. You snarl and grab it by the can, using all of your considerable strength military posture to pull up it back in with the tell-tale bulge in the middle.

With a cry, you begin your assault, punching it in the snout with your fist. epinephrin rushing through his trunk, focusing his mind to one purpose, the head snapping at you. The Snake coils around you tightly, causing a rib to pop. You only increase your assault, making the Hydra move and hiss in anger. You do not give care and you have your wits enough to keep your arms from getting bound in his chunky coils. You finally get his head in your handgrip, attempting to squeeze and bite it in Bob Hope of getting it to spit out her out.

There is a gimcrack retching noise as the snake begins to recede his denseness, and his dinner. The excitement was too a great deal and it was n't long until the volute relented to earmark the bulge to travel back up his dead body. Your middle well up as the feet of your lover appear, sliding back out of the ophidian 's mouth. The reverse happened quickly until she was a pile of spittle, stomachal juices, and unconscious mind girl.

You scream for joy upon seeing her egg laying there but the hiss returns your eyes to the immediate threat. The serpent was robbed of his repast, terrified but enraged. You grab one of your shotguns for home aegis beside the bedroom door. You know better then to leave such weapons unloaded for now. You pump the twelve-gauge and end the Snake 's life.

You spot the face of the man in the windowpane with a hush up 9mm in hand. The remembering of her Holy Scripture come back to you, her night-terrors about the gangsters finding her. Your mind focused again as he took aim for you, worried about the weapon in your hands. You fire again, putting a wad of tungsten shots into the guy 's face and the windowpane that he used for cover. He makes no sound as he falls to the floor below, slamming on the pavement.

You pump another round of golf and confirm that both intruder were dead before moving to the downed female child. You give her a few intimation of CPR and have her to cough and spit up some snake fluid. She opens her eyes and sees you and begins to scream. You drop your shotgun and move to hold her, letting her sob into your berm until she calmed herself.

'' Are.. you okay, my love ? '' you ask her tenderly as you pull back to look into her middle. Her face relaxes and she hugs you weakly. That is when your chest shoots with blinding pain from the coils. She moves to the phone and calls for an ambulance.

-- -

Both buff were kept over-night, aesculapian staff and police being ineffective to split up the two. They were placed in watcher protection as they testified of the bratva 's relations, bringing the Seattle ramification crashing down. They had a beautiful infant girl six month later and lived happily in Portland, OR, knowing that for once, she was as secure as she could be. She would eventually fall in the investigation and help oneself take the fighting back to organized offense. solely metre will tell how successful she is in her quest .
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