Federal Agency Work ( 0 )

I began my day as common, got up, showered and shaved my body ; Kay liked me to be free of soundbox hair. I really never had a lot in the first place, so shaving was easy. I applied lavender lotion to my breast, which started forming, Kay told me that lavender was her favorite smell, and it help the white meat form, plus the endocrine she has been feeding me helped quite a bit. My hips have rounded to what she called perfect for her new sexy personnel assistance, Jamie was happy for me on the promotion. Today I was looking forward to servicing Kay and her fellow. I went into my room and I dressed in a pair of pitch blackness nylon's matching garter belt, high up cut opprobrious satin panty, black 3 inch heels and a inkiness camisole.
I sat down at my garden pink amour propre, that her fellow had gotten me, and started with my physical composition, juicy eye liner, St. David liked it on me, a sonant hide tone basis, a light rose colored powder on my checks, ruby red lip marijuana cigarette. Just something simple-minded this dawning I thought after applying my cilium foil. I walked into Kay's elbow room, they were both asleep. The former female child living there took turns we loved it !
I walked over to the bed, and pulled the natural covering, back, Jacques Louis David stirred, opening his eye's he smiled, and said"ah I see you're ready for breakfast Karen ”. I smiled back him ; I knew I wasn't to talk. I got on my knee joint and took his tractor trailer ridged tool in my mouth. The feeling was intense, his cock began to grow. David had the hone pecker, 7 column inch, about 2 inch round, the sodding oral cavity replete, when he would cum, he would occupy my mouth with so a good deal that it was heavy to swallow it all, but Kay had made sure that I had gotten very good at it, practice, practice she would say, and I did pattern quite a bit, Our customer loved it !
St. David's rooster tasted so good especially after he had fucked Kay, her gustatory perception and his mixed labour me mad. I knew that after I had finished draining St. David's ball's, that I would have eat Kay until she came, and then score them breakfast.
I felt St. David's hand grab clutches of my foreland as I swirled my tongue around the nous of his cock, lick up the pre-cum that was seeping out, umm was my alone opinion. He pushed my head down, I engulfed his cock, and began to bob up and down on his knockout light beam, gently running my long fingerbreadth nails, around his clod's he loved it, he would be Cumming soon.
He let out a groan, and stiffened up, I felt the world-class guessing of his cum hit the back of my throat, I keep bobbing up and down on his cock, sucking every bit of cum succus he had for me, I swallowed every bit of it ! I pulled back after his cock went limp. He smiled, and said"time for a shower Karen, overhaul Kay while I'm gone, and then make us some Roger Bacon, testicle, toast, and deep brown ”, he got up. I stayed on my knee and lowered my head.
"Karenic crawl over here ”, Kay commanded. I did as she told, she spread her branch, and smiled,"Taste this mellifluous kitty-cat, David left you desert ”. I went to her pussy, and began to lick her prohibited lips. Working my tongue slowly into her hot cunt,"Umm you turned out so good Karen ”, she moaned. I loved it when she talks to me like that. I was there to serve her today. Kay had hit a topographic point in me when she gave me her panties to wear down, I'm so glad that I went to bring for her and David, and them showing me what I really wanted to be.
I worked my clapper deep in her pussy ; I could taste her juice as well as David's sweetness cum. I began to dart my tongue in and out Kay, trying my trump to get all of it."stay Karen ”, Kay commanded."Lay on your back, in David's office ”. I did as she said. Kay squatted over my nerve, and grabbed my oral sex, saying"Now that's a beneficial daughter, clean me up ”. She pulled my head teacher to her waiting kitty-cat, and I began to suck on her sweet pussy, gobs of St. David's cum came rolling out in to my waiting mouth."Ummm so very skilful Karen, I'm cummming ”, moaned Kay. I felt her pussycat quiver and spasm as I pushed my lingua deep into her. Kay's trunk went gimp. Her pussy covered my mouth and nose she sat there looked down at me, smiling and said"Karen dear you will go clear up, change into something sexy we are having company today."Be sure enough to own breakfast ready devout girl !"I left the sleeping accommodation and went back to my room to change. I chose a light blue angel mini skit, a play off top, making sure that my panties and matched what I was wearing. I slipped on a tan duo of panty hose, and white heart. I fixed my physical composition and hair, then went off to kitchen, as I walked by Kay and David's way I heard her moaning,"screwing me toilsome, fuck me cosset ”.
It all started when I went to put to work with a new advertisement delegacy in Ithiel Town. I had been out of employment for about two months, and was getting bored at doing nothing. I could deliver stayed out of body of work for the next five days ; I had saved every centime I could, for the dry time. I had employment as a graphic artist for my end company, but like I said I got bored with it, everyone in the bureau seemed like sticks in the mud. So I left, number I would disembarrass fishgig, did a slight side work. During the down time I would find myself on line watching porno, like most male person my age 21. I had dated a on and off, but the womanhood never seemed to require to go any further than a distich of appointment. I'm your middling looking guy, a footling on the short incline, 5'6"120 punt, nix special. One day as I was browsing through a couple of smut internet site's, I come across a cross-dresser web site, I figured why not. So I opened it. I was surprised ; a lot of the men looked like real missy, so much so that you wouldn't know what type of web web site it was if you just happen up on it by fault, some of them were beautiful looking. I pushed away from data processor and went to get some coffee. Came back and decided to enquire this farther. I googled transvestite ; I found wads of material on the subject, from how to do make-up, to spellbinding video, even dieting. I booked marked the site's, and signed off.
I finished off a while of work that I had been doing, and e-mailed off to company that wanted it. I went back to my Bible scratch. I opened the one about transvestite clothing, they had a few videos, I found them interesting, and they had wear for all occasions. Off to the English on the main was another of site marked"vids ”, my oddity got me and I went to it. I clicked on video, and it showed a guy getting a blow job, the television camera panned out and it was a guy dressed up, you could his shaft hanging below his miniskirt. I got a hard on watching this, and began to jackoff I looked below the TV, and there were others, I choose one titled :"you like scanty ”, what I didn't realize was that it was soporific video, that lasted fifteen instant, I watched as dissimilar eccentric of panties were flashed across the silver screen, and the back sound recording was supposed to hint that you like to fag panties. I continued to jack up off watching this video, and came a few second before it ended. I cleaned up myself, but found it amazing that the two video recording had turned me on ! I went back to my E-mail, the troupe had liked what I had submitted, and was going to deposit 2500 in my news report, but they first wanted a brass to face up interview with me, they gave me the clock time, and lieu. It was in town, so I knew it wouldn't be a problem. I responded yes.
That Nox I tried to slumber, the video keep flashing in my mind. I finally fell asleep around midnight. I got up showered, shaved, and dressed. I made the interview on time. I introduced myself to Virgin Mary the receptionist, and told her that I had an interview with Mr. Gladden. She called him, hung the phone, and pointed to the doors. I walked in there was another char in there with him. I walked over to her, and introduced myself,"Kavin Jones ”, I extended my helping hand to her,"Kay Stevens ”, nice to assemble you ma'am. I turned and looked at the man, He stood up, and he appeared to be a little 6 foot, large frame. He smiled"Jacques Louis David Gladden, please sit Kavin, Ms. Stevens is share owner so I ask her to be here ”. I took a set in front of the desk. He began to severalize all about the troupe and how they were looking for young talent, and the work I had sent them, was just the type they wanted.
"Kavin, I need someone with your sassy mind ”, Ms. Stevens said, and both St. David and are willing to offer you an attractive sum to work here. I waited a moment,"How a great deal ma'am ?"I ask her. She smiled at me, then said,"how about 32k with commission of course, that's just the first year, from what we seen of your endowment, who knows after that ”. I didn't know what to say, I knew that I could have gotten more out of them, but what the hell, I could quit anytime I wanted to. So I accepted their offer.
"Kavin could you waitress outside for a mo, I need to confer with Mr. Arthur Evans ”, Ms. Smitty Stevens said."Sure"I replied. I walked into the outer office, and waited."Hi, so you're going to take the job ”, Mary asks me."I think so ma'am"“ Don't call me ma'am Mary will do, I think you're going to wish it here, all the girlfriend have fun ”. I frowned a bit,"All the female child ”, I ask."Yep, the only early male person here is Saint David and he so sweet-scented to all of us, as is Kay also ”. Before I could say anything Kay had come out David's office and my tour began. I was shown where I would act a cubelike fair sizing one. It had the oeuvre table, computer, and the whole nine yards."I take it that Mary told that the only other male is David ”, Kay asks."Yes ma'am she did ”, I replied."Now Kavin we are all intimate here, I insist you send for me Kay ”, She said
"girlfriend, come here I want you all to fill Kavin the new guy ”, Kay said aloud, four early girl came out of cubicle's, and surrounded me."This is Lindsey, Jamie, Joan, and miss ”, Lindsey was a blonde, overnice figure, Jamie was a redhead, Joan dishwater blonde, and young lady auburn hair, but what I really noticed about them, is that there vesture, physical composition, everything about them was faultless, they all each greeted me, Jamie told me that I would have a go at it it here, as did the other three."okey girls, there will be clip to shoot the breeze later,"Kay said. The lady friend went back to respective cubicles."They'll chatter your ear off if you let them ”, Kay said with a slight laugh.
I made back domicile, around four p.m. grabbed a bite to eat, and sat down at the estimator. I turned it on, but then I realized here I was surrounded by all these beautiful women, and all's I could really mean about was what type of panties they had on. I shook my headland on that one. I clicked back on the web site that I was on earlier. I watched the same television over, trying to figure it out, that night the same affair again, panties on the brain.
wellspring after about 4 month, and a dozen early video's I was getting rather confused, about a lot of things, it was starting to affect my work, that's when Kay approached me,"Kavin is everything okay, you seem to be out of kind a bit ”, she said. I don't what it is about Kay, but she has a way to lend whatever is bothering you out, and not take a leak you feel like bad whatever it is, I seen her do it with the early girls ’, so I just broke down and told it to her all. Kay was quite for a second, then said,"Let's go I want you to shew me these television ”,"what about work Kay ?"I replied."Look Kavin I'm the gaffer, what I say goes, so let's go now !"I didn't respond just got up and walked to the door, Kay drove me to my apartment.
"Nice plaza you have Kavin ”, Kay said,"Thanks Kay"I replied."Now Kavin bear witness me all this web site ”, without a word I took her to my spare room, turned the information processing system on, and brought up the web land site, and started the videos for her, after about an hour. Kay pushed back from my desk, looked up at me smiled and said"Is this stuff bothering you ?"I hung my nous a bit and mumbled"yes ”. Kay let a jest, and then asks me"have you ever worn women's panties before Kavin ?"“ No Kay I haven't, but the thought of them is driving me sick, I mean I don't think about having sex with the girls in the function, I think about wearing their scanty, I find myself each night going back this one telecasting, and it has me all confused ”, I cried out. Kay smiled and then said"seems to me that you should act on what you're opinion, I think if you do, you will notice all the disarray go away ”."I don't know, if I can ”, I replied."Look Kavin, you live here alone right, so who's going to know, me that's about it, so try it, get it out of your system sweetie ”, She said. I looked at her not knowing what to say or do, I think she seen it in my eyes, when she said"excuse me I need to use your bathroom room ”. I pointed to it and waited about five moment later Kay came out. She walked up to me hug me, and handed me something, it was red satin,"Go ahead Kavin they are mine I want you confront what is bothering you, kick in me your keys, and I will have Jamie drop your car off, and pay her cab menu home base, I will expect you back at work day after tomorrow sweetie ”, Kay turned and left my apartment.
I stood there holding a rad pair of women's panties, I put them to my nose, the scent of Kay was over powering, she smelled so sweet, and the feeling of lavender overwhelmed me then. I felt myself getting hard. Was it from the scent of Kay's pussy, and lavender immix or the idea of putting on her step-in ?
It took a moment, but having someone know what was bothering me, made me experience at rest. I stripped down, right there in my spare room, and slipped Kay's panties on, I almost came when the indulgent framework encased my prick, it was then that any resistance that I had to wearing women's scanty was gone, Something inside me told me that I would never wear anything else. I turned on my computer again, and went back to web situation. Noticed that a video had been saved I clicked on it. This one went further ; it was dressing as womanhood, pantie, nylon, bras, and shoes, all of it. I watched transfixed by it all.
I began to rub my cock again the feeling of the satin against was More than I could occupy, I came hard filling the red panties full of cum, the vent of tension was what I had been waiting on. I got up and went to the bath elbow room. I took them off and put them in the sink cleaned up. It had felt so good to cum like that, I was in seventh heaven. The knocking on the room access brought me back to reality. I opened it and there stood Jamie."Hi Kavin, Kay wanted me to lend you your bait back, it's parked out front ”, I smiled"thanks Jamie, want to come in ?"I said."sure why not, off for the residue of the day anyway ”, Jamie said as she came in. We sat and talked for thirty minutes when Jamie got up and went to the bathroom, it was then that it struck me, I have left the cum filled panties in the sump. Jamie came back out and didn't say a intelligence about them. Apparently she didn't see them, or didn't care if they were there. Jamie had told me she had moved here, when she got an offer to come to work for Saint David and Kay, that was two year ago and she has loved every minute of it. Kay especially, ensured that Jamie's transition went smoothen. I was perplexed by Jamie telling me that, what passage ?
"Jamie I have question I know that it may sound a little out there, but what transition are you talking about ?"I ask her. Jamie smiled,"You don't know do you Kavin ?"Jamie sat there for a consequence, and then she began to severalise me her story.
I sat there listening to Jamie, her story sounded similar to mine, a period in her life were she wasn't surely what to do. I found that very occupy, that your employers were uncoerced to help a individual with such a personal trouble. Jamie seemed crucify, so she stood up, and pulled her skirt up, she had on a pink pair of low cut panties, and a obtrusive bulge, I was stunned. She sat back down."I never knew Jamie, by looking at you"I said. Jamie smiled saying,"I saw the twosome of step-in in your sink Kavin, and from the expression of it you had a good time, that is how it all started with me, Both Kay and Saint David took time to help me, as they did with the former female child, my boy name was King James, Lindsey was Larry, Joan, was John, Missy was Matt, and Mary was George. We all came to this caller with outlook of doing good, and we are, but Kay and Jacques Louis David did something for us that no one ever took time to do and, that I'm thankful for, how did they have it away ? at commencement I wanted to know, but as prison term went on I didn't tending how it take place, I'm just glad that it did, don't get me untimely both of them can be very strict, but at the Saami sentence you come to appreciate that, and even like it ”.
I was totally stunned at this revealing from Jamie ; I didn't know what to say to her."expression Kavin, why do I drop the night here, and we can talk about it, but first I need to get something's from my flat, can I use your car ?"“ Sure why not ”, I replied.
Jamie had left, I went into the bathroom, and grabbed Kay's panties and hand washed them, and hung them on the shower rod to dry. I went back in my spare room, sat down in front of the computer, and saw that a message was waiting for me. It was from Kay."Kavin I know that it seemed foreign that I left my panties there for you, but I do empathise what you are going through, as I'm sure that Jamie explained to you, she is so sweet isn't she, any way I did ask her if she spend the Night with you, and maybe she could facilitate you over some of the rough spots, and yes dear you can restrain the scanty, I think you look right in red…will see you and Jamie next Monday, I know I said the day after tomorrow, but I talked with David and he agrees with me, that you need a little time to get your thoughts together, beloved, and yes here are websites that may help you out, be sure to see them…ta ta..Kay"
I record marked the web site, may as well, see what they are all about. By the prison term I had finished making bite for Jamie and myself Jamie had gotten back, she had two medium size courting typeface's, for an over nighter that was a lot of things."Kavin, where can I put these ?"Jamie asks me,"Just in the bedroom, I'll sopor on the couch"I replied. Jamie gave me a big smile, and walked to my room. She came back out, and sat at the kitchen tabular array, and started eating. We talked about everything, she told me about the former girls at the agency, and how they got excited when they learned that a new female child was going to protrude. I stopped her at that and ask her why they thought I was a miss ? Jamie smiled and said"Kay and David don't hire men at all sweetie, come on want to depict you something ”, Jamie jumped up and I followed her to my bedroom.
Jamie opened both case's and they were full of all variety missy things,"You will need these things a gift from David, he wants you to start dressing now, nothing fancy, he wants to keep it childlike ”, Jamie said with a laugh. I didn't know what to do at low gear, but then I said,"Jamie let me show you something ”, as I went from the bedroom to the spare way, and clicked on my bookmark. Jamie smiled"all first-class sites, we will go through them later, but initiative let's play frock up ”. She grabbed my script and led me back to my elbow room, and proceeded to claim all my male habiliment from the boxers and toss away them out, and neatly packed them with my new things. I know I should have put a stop to it, but something inside me keep from doing anything but stand there and watch Jamie. She had three bottles of pills, and a ampul and a pocket-size box of disable pandean pipe. Jamie turned and said"these are for you, Kay had went to her doctor and got them the MD said for you to take one anovulant daily, and tonight I'm going to yield a few shots, to further the start of the new you, so drop your drawers sweetie, time to get get down ”."A Shot ”, I thought to myself.
I stood there, again I knew I shouldn't, but something inside caused me to comply, I dropped my pants, and Jamie swabbed my buttock, and beat me, It really didn't damage, but a warm touch came over me in an instant. It actually felt good. She had me get a pill, I was to notice out later that I was given a massive shooter of oestrogen, and that would continue throughout Jamie's fourth dimension with me, and that the pill were hormones.
"Kavin I really call for you to avail me here, I want you to go the exhibitor, and bulge out it, I will be there, to help you with what needs to be done next ”, Jamie said. What the inferno I though I've went this far may as well go the rest of the way"could it have been shooter Jamie had just given me or what ? Off to the shower bath I went, the warm body of water felt good running play over my body, it must stimulate been ten minutes when Jamie walked in. She pushed the curtain back, I just stood there. Jamie was naked, she had the hone body, but she also had a phallus, which I could terminate staring at."plosive that now, we need to fix you dear ”, Jamie said as she stepped into the shower. She had in carried with a couple of bottles."Now Kavin these are hair removers, they won't confidence game, but it will easier to if I apply them don't want to miss any spots, turn the shower head away, the lotion will feature to sat a few minutes to work ”. I did as Jamie ask me, she began to rub the lotion on my weapon, armpits, stomach, back, she squatted down and started on my legs. Jamie worked her way my legs, it felt good, but the gamey she got, she couldn't service but card that I was getting a heavily on. Jamie cupped my ball, and rubbed the lotion on them."What do we take in here girl ? Seems like your clitty is getting aroused, I think we will take care of that recent"she said. I felt embarrassed, by what was what happening, she had finished my body, and then turned the shower bath head back on me. I looked down, and watched what body pilus I had gather around the drain, the perfume of lavender filled my anterior naris, it seemed to relax me."Okay Kavin, time to get out ”. I reached over and shut the lavish off, the champion of not having any body hair was overmaster, cool air hit me, but the feel was sexy, I thought. Jamie dried me off, she stood there nude, wand wet,"wellspring Kavin your turn ”. I started drying her off her hair, arms, shoulders, back, front ; I squatted down, and started with her legs, working my way up. I saw that she was excited Jamie had a knockout on, I just stared."Go ahead Kavin bear upon me, it's okeh, my clitty pauperism to be dry also ”. I was uneasy, I had never touched another man's prick, but with the shot, the bath I just reached up and began to dry her of."Um feels good, sure you never done this before'Jamie said with a slight moan. I just looked up at her and smiled.
"Kavin you need to stop now, prison term for that belated baby ”, Jamie said. I stopped. Get up young woman, time to clip do pilus and make-up. I followed her back into my bedroom. She sat me down on the side of the bed, got me a duo of black-market satin panties,"Put these on Kavin ”, she said. The coolness, and sensation of them sliding against my pegleg, and them slipping them up on my waist, was too a lot, I knew then why adult female loved to be hairless. My little cock started to get hard again. Jamie smiled ; she knew what was happening to me, that first time maven of wearing silk and satin. She began to fix my hair,"you're so lucky, I had to hold back for my whisker to grow out ”, she keep priming and fixing it. It took her about fifteen transactions, to fetch up,"perfect"she said. Jamie had gotten out a small bag from the vanity, and opened it ; in side were all sorts of affair."Let's do the eyebrows first, and Jamie plucked away, it didn't take her recollective to accomplished it all."You know I think to make it all work, Kavin, I want to call in you Karen is that all right ?"I sat quite for a moment, then answered her,"that will be hunky-dory Jamie ”, Jamie giggled"great I love it Karen ”. I sat there as Jamie applied foundation, eyeliner, eyelash liner, powder, and then red lip rouge with a burnish. Jamie stood back,"oh my, Karenic you look absolute beautiful ”, Jamie said as she held the mirror up for me to see. I was shocked, needless to say it appeared that any tincture of Kavin were gone, all I saw was a fairly offspring woman named Karenic."Well Karen what do you consider ?"Jamie asks me. I was speechless."What's the topic can't say anything about the real you dear ?"Jamie said. I finally said"WOW"!
"Let's get you dressed hun ”, Jamie said. She continued speaking,"seeing's that we aren't going anywhere tonight I think a nice aphrodisiac fateful underbodice will do for now ”. I put it on again the feeling of silk against my naked body, began to arouse me. Jamie got up and put on a brace of pulverisation panties, and a equate camisole."seed on Karen let's go watch some video's that Kay wants us to watch, this is going to be fun ”. Jamie gave me another jibe, before we started, and what a night it turned out to be. We watch four videos, each one was particular, how to walk, talk. How to fondle you man, what the first steps of anal retentive sex, and how to fall in a shock job, after that, Jamie and I went to bed. That night I gave Jamie a blowjob, I chocked when she came, but she told me that was alright the first time she gave a blowjob she did the Sami affair. Jamie played with my cock, teasing me, by that metre she was hard again."roll over Karen, I want your sweet-flavored virgin ass"Jamie said. I did it, with her cock not being prominent it hurt just a piddling, but soon I was finding pleasure in it. I felt Jamie cum. when did. She reached around squeezed my little hard and I came hard. I had to get up and variety panties, as did Jamie. I was hoping that Jamie would get laid again, but it didn't happen that night, it happens the following day when missy came over.
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